Do be aware that online dating is not a totally safe environment. Be very careful in investing your money, time and heart in it. Be sure to follow these special groups online dating tips for your own safety:
- Use only a free email account. By using your email accounts with sites such as Yahoo, Gmail, Bigfoot and Hotmail, you make easy correspondence while keeping your local email secure. Do consider hard to guess passwords which are different from your log in name.
- Avoid creating a profile name that gives a clue as to where you’re from and who you are. Choose a simple nickname but far from your true identity, to avoid getting your personal information accessed by unwanted individuals.

Also, avoid revealing too much personal data when filling in your profile, as these ads appear automatically to all.
Keep in mind to never expose and provide anyone with your personal information such as full name, address, phone number and email address. Take it as a warning if anybody asks for yoru personal details early in the conversation. You are in control here, and you can stop communicating when you feel uncomfortable.
A lot of sites offer a messaging system which can be used for communicating with singles. Using this system is safer than using your email.
Don’t give personal information readily. During communications, ask questions. Ask him or her about his hobbies, education, career and interests. Take note of all of these, as the person you are talking to needs to be consistent. If they are not consistent then chances are they are not being truthful with you and not worth your time.
Likewise in your end, be honest enough, but at the same time not giving too much information as far as your work and home address is concerned. Just be truthful with your conversations. Convey your intentions as clearly as possible. And if you don’t like him, tell him politely. Don’t find excuses and give him the impression that you are interested in meeting with him if you are not.
If after many emails both of you feel that it is time to be talking on the phone, the man should be the one to give the girl his number and the girl should be the one to call the man. The girl should never give her phone number.
Be sure to be protected with these special groups online dating tips. When you are definitely sure that you would want to meet the person offline, ask him for references, such as his friends, relatives or co- workers. This is not to give them the feeling that you don’t trust them, but if they too trust you, they would understand that you are very much willing to meet with him, but you just want to be on the safe side. If he has a genuine and sincere interest in you and has nothing to be afraid of, then he shouldn’t repel, but willingly give you all the information.
You could also do a background check. There are sites which offer this for free.
Recommended Reading
Choosing Between Traditional Dating and Online Dating Methods
Preparing To Go Into Marriage…For Singles
Body Positivity & Fashion: Embracing All Body Types And Shapes
The Impact of Aromatherapy on Mental Health
- Inform somebody of the meeting. When the plan for a meeting is already set up, make certain you tell your friend or a member of the family where exactly are you going and who you’re meeting.
- Bring your cell phone along, so in cases of emergency, you can call your friend right away.
- Use common sense and judge accordingly.
- Meet him or her in a public place such as a café, park, museum, or anywhere as long as there are a lot of people.
- Do pray before a date (for Christians)
- Do be on time.
- Do look good and be neat.
- Do compliment.
- Do make your date comfortable.
- Do listen.
- Do talk about something you have a common interest with (for Christians, talk about the verses in the bible and ask each other’s opinions).
- Do take her to your church (for Christians).
- Do be an exciting date. Listen to your date and make sure to let your date feel that you are interested with all that he/she has to say.
- Do ask your date about her hobbies, career and future plans.
- Do be romantic.
- Do enjoy your moment together.
- Do laugh at her jokes.
- Do be yourself.
- Do avoid touching.
- Don’t be late.
- Don’t talk about your past relationship.
- Don’t pretend.
- Don’t ask too much questions.
- Don’t show disrespect to your date’s beliefs.
- Don’t forget to say thank you after the date.
Once again, be very careful in investing your money, time and heart in it. Be sure to follow these special groups online dating tips for your own safety.