For men and women alike, the issue of dating someone significantly younger than you seem to be more and more common. Many individuals are coming to the realization that society does not possess the authority to regulate their life. In spite of the fact that society frowns upon a great number of things that are not conventional and not the norm, it is very usual to find men or women dating someone who is twenty years younger than them. Many people wonder if it is possible for relationships with significant age differences to work out. Can they turn into long-term, possibly lifelong relationships?

People are attracted to each other for endless numbers of reasons. No matter what the reason is, there is an attraction. Genuine attraction to someone is not something that can be denied or changed. This is true even if the person that you are attracted to is significantly younger than you. If there is a connection between you, there is a reason for it. You should not try to deny that connection or avoid it, just because society might think that you are wrong for being involved with someone that is younger than you.
Many people that are in their 40’s or 50’s look much younger than their chronological age. There are many people that are 50 something and still look like they are 30. They are also just as healthy and active as they were when they were in their 30’s.
Advances in medical research and anti-aging products have led people to appear much younger than they are. However, these men and women are often much more mature then their younger counterparts. This seems to be a major attraction, especially for younger women who are dating older men.
Since it has been proven that men mature at a slower rate then women, it only makes sense that women would look to men that are older to find that maturity and adult behavior that they are looking for. At the same time, men are dating older women for the same reasons. They want a woman that is mature and that can direct them in life. They want someone that can put up with a little bit of immaturity and can handle their lifestyle and behaviors.
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Is it possible for these relationships to succeed despite dating someone significantly younger than you? Is it possible that they may result in something that lasts a lifetime or even longer? The answer is a resounding yes. There are many couples that have been in intimate, long-term relationships for years with their partner. Sometimes these relationships have age gaps of twenty years or more. Many of these couples are married and have families.
It is very possible to have a lasting relationship with someone that is younger than you are. The first thing is to decide if you can handle what society says and thinks. If you are able to not care or to deal with what people are going to say, then you are way ahead of the game. You can focus all of your time and effort into your relationship and making it the best that it can possibly be. As long as you enter into a relationship for all the right reasons, you are guaranteed the best chance at things working out for the best; for both of you.