Dating Tips for Women

Dating Tips for Women

Since time immemorial, women have been embarking on that quest towards the elusive “Mr. Right”. But how do you know if you are succeeding on the turf of dating or if you are risking your safety? Here are some dating…

How to Avoid Online Dating Risks

How to Avoid Online Dating Risks

These days, meeting people through online dating services is commonplace. However, there are risks involved that is why you need to avoid online dating risks. Scammers can also target users of dating apps by creating phoney profiles or attempting to…

Understanding The Stages of Relationship

Understanding The Stages of Relationship

The stages of relationship are circular, not linear. We tend to believe that all romantic partnerships follow a predictable path from the first meet-cute to euphoric infatuation, to a few minor challenges, and then to a blissful state of happily-ever-after.…

The Role of Gratitude in a Happy Relationship


What is the role of gratitude in a happy relationship? Is appreciating a partner integral to developing a “perfect” bond? Research explores how thankfulness impacts wellness, happiness, and how long we live. Gratitude means acknowledging benefits received, often from people…