Online Dating: Nice Guys Do It Too

Online Dating: Nice Guys Do It Too

It goes without saying that I am referring to internet dating. Internet dating websites were a paradise for perverts, sex predators, geeks, and all sorts of weirdos when they first emerged some years ago. That was so when the phenomenon…

Ask The Right Questions First

Ask The Right Questions First

To begin, it is important to ask the right questions. You have signed up for a few different dating sites and created an outstanding profile for yourself. Now that you have submitted a high-quality photo, you are going to engage…

3 Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid


There are a number of common mistakes to avoid when dating online or things that you may do right when you are searching the internet for that one particular lady—the one of your dreams—your soul-mate—the other half of yourself. Regrettably,…

A Woman’s Don’ts of Online Dating

A Woman’s Don’ts of Online Dating

With the duration of an internet relationship with a guy, there are some woman’s don’ts of online dating under any circumstance. With these points brought into context, it is quite guaranteed that any further chats with him will suddenly and…

Online Dating Safety for Women

Online Dating Safety for Women

Online dating can be a fun and certainly a rewarding experience for women of all ages. Maintaining online dating safety for women while doing it is simply a combination of using common sense and exercising good judgment. Online safety rules…